Phones, Tablets and Accessories
Android phone, tablet or other Android devices general hardware and Android accessories discussions.
7 topics in this forum
- AOSF Admin
- 2 replies
One of the very few criticisms I have of Android vs iPhone is audio interface when using earphones. When I used to have an iPhone, I could click a button on my headphones to answer an incoming call... the exact same pair of headphones with my Android phone the click button doesn't answer incoming calls. It's also annoyingly weird trying to pair a new set of bluetooth headphones on an Android... sometimes the pairing just fails for absolutely no reason? Has anybody else experienced any of these issues with Android phones? Any resolutions?
Last reply by fdk1971, -
- AOSF Admin
- 10 replies
Have been playing with iOS for a few years. Since the introduction of Galaxy S5, I think it's good move to have an Android powered device as the iPhone gets older. My question is that how can I copy my iPhone contacts to Galaxy S5 without typing them manually on the new device. Any suggestions? Thanks Avadula
Last reply by flower, -
- 2 replies
I have a pixel 8. Things seem to be much more complicated then with my older 6. Are there any guides or tutorials that will help me along. I've tried Google. Problem I might be the only person that thinks the 8 is too complicated. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by flower, -
- AOSF Admin
- 5 replies
Do you trust Chinese handsets? A lot of gadgets that we use today are being manufactured in China. Even the companies like Apple and Samsung are manufacturing their phones in China. However, I am not talking about these devices, I am actually taking about Chinese brands. Once there was news that Huawei phones were spying in the UK and the US. Do you really think Chinese devices are spying on us?
Last reply by flower, -
- AOSF Admin
- 2 replies
Well, I am a Samsung fan. Except for a brief period of time when I used Motorala, I have always used Samsung, in fact my first phone that I bought about 15 years ago was also Samsung. I use Samsung phone as well as Samsung tab. What is your favorite Android brand of phone or tablet?
Last reply by Immortal, -
- 0 replies
Custom your photo for Galaxy S 4 Battery Cover by Senppo [ATTACH]26.IPB[/ATTACH]
Last reply by senppo, -
- AOSF Admin
- 0 replies
The day hath cometh. The world’s first Honeycomb (Android 3.0) tablet has officially hit the streets and is ready for purchase. You can run to your local retailer and pick yourself up a shiny, new XOOM for $599 with a signed two-year contract or $799 contract free. Interested parties can read our thoughts on the Moto’s first tablet here, and if you go and pick one up for yourself… be sure to swing back by and let us know what you think! Happy XOOM’ing. Read Via BRG - Boy Genius Report
Last reply by AWS, -