Android Discussions
- 3 replies
I wanted to spend some time and play new Android games on my device. I would like games that are simple and fun to play. I used to play some games such as Candy Crush and Fruit Ninja. Does anybody know any games that is simple, pick up and play type of game?
Last reply by Wings, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone else play a game called F1 Manager? If you're a fan of Formula One, this might be the ideal game for you! I've been playing it on and off for a few seasons now, essentially it's a version of FIFA but for Formula One, you complete races to earn crates in which are coins and player/team/item cards that you use to upgrade your drivers, cars and mechanics. Really fun to pass and time and a game I'd highly recommend to any fellow Formula One fans, looking forward to hearing any of your reviews!
Last reply by Wings, -
- AOSF Admin
- 3 replies
I just want to improve the ability to take mobile photos. I'm in need of the top Android apps for great pictures. I have only attempted Google Camera, and Snapseed, but I would like to try out other applications. Please leave your suggestions here.
Last reply by AWS, -
- 5 replies
I do not play a lot of games on my phone so I do not have too many games. Currently, I have just two games, Genshin Impact, an RPG, and Asphalt 9 Legends, a card racing game. Both of these games are free to play. What games do you have on your phone? Do you do a lot of mobile gaming?
Last reply by Immortal, -
- 2 replies
I need a new Android tablet for streaming and gaming. So i’m looking for a device with a good display, adequate sound and nice looking graphics performance. Someone suggested Samsung Galaxy Tab to me, but any suggestions are welcome. Has anyone decided on what entertainment Android tablet is the best to buy?
Last reply by Immortal, -
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I’m having battery issues on Android. So, I need the tips on how to extend my battery life. At the moment, my phone can only last a single day. Can you share with me your top battery-saving strategies? What works best for you?
Last reply by Immortal, -
- 4 replies
Chatspin - Random Video Chat Video chat and meet new people instantly with the super simple Chatspin app. ✔ 1 Billion+ Connections Since launching in 2015 Chatspin has helped make over a BILLION connections and is now the fastest growing random video chat app in the world according to Alexa. ✔ Talk to Strangers Video chat with random people worldwide or nearby using your smartphone camera. ✔ Anonymous & Secure No logins or profiles allow you to use Chatspin anonymously. Get More Features with Chatspin Plus: ★ Connect with people nearby or worldwide with location filters ★ Chat with only girls or guys based on your preference ★ HD quality video strea…
Last reply by fdk1971, -
- AOSF Admin
- 2 replies
I'm a newbie/learning coder, and recently began a project to build a text-based browser game. I'm wondering, if in the future this game was good enough to actually go live, and it grew to the point I wanted to make it more mobile friendly and so release an app, are there any tools available that'd make it easy for me to just show my game through a browser but in its own standalone app? Just wondering for the future, would appreciate and looking forward to any replies!
Last reply by fdk1971, -
- AOSF Admin
- 2 replies
One of the very few criticisms I have of Android vs iPhone is audio interface when using earphones. When I used to have an iPhone, I could click a button on my headphones to answer an incoming call... the exact same pair of headphones with my Android phone the click button doesn't answer incoming calls. It's also annoyingly weird trying to pair a new set of bluetooth headphones on an Android... sometimes the pairing just fails for absolutely no reason? Has anybody else experienced any of these issues with Android phones? Any resolutions?
Last reply by fdk1971, -
- 0 replies
I use Verizon. It's works well up here in the land of 24 hour darkness during the winter. Tried others and always came back. Anyone else use Verizon?
Last reply by Trips, -
- AOSF Admin
- 4 replies
In a move that smacks convention right in the face with the back of its hand, T-Mobile has raised the prices of two old smartphones. Rumors of such a move have been circulating for a while but logic and reason made it hard for us to believe such a move would ever be carried out. But alas. The gray-haired T-Mobile myTouch 4G and T-Mobile G2 have both been bumped from $199.99 to $249.99 on contract. $250 is a steep price for last year’s gear, especially considering how fast Android evolves. We’re now looking at dual-core demons and T-Mobile wants a premium for old wares? Luckily, some other phones have seen price adjustments in the proper direction, including the myTouch 4G…
Last reply by AWS, -
- 1 reply
I just switched to the new Android phone. I am in a dilemma of how to transfer data from my old iPhone. What's the best method? I have used iCloud and iTunes but what I want is a perfect migration. Do you have any other suggestion which is an app or a few steps to make this transition smooth? Share your experience!
Last reply by Wings, -
- 2 replies
I need to backup all the data on my android phone. How can the contacts, photos and apps data be backed up? I have used Google Drive but I need a full solution. Please suggest to me your preferred methods of backups and the best apps you prefer using for data backup.
Last reply by fdk1971, -
I've been a Sprint customer for a long time. I always had a Nextel. My contract was long expired so I decided to get a smartphone. I did my research and decided to stay with Sprint since for all the years I was with them the phone always worked and I only ever found one area where service was limited. I did consider an iPhone, but, I had to cancel my AT&T landline service because it was garbage so I figured ATT&T mobile service wouldn't be much better. Once the decision was made to stay with Sprint I took my old Nextel and traded it in for a HTC EVO 4G. Since then I have crashed it, hacked it and abused the heck out of it and it keeps working like a …
Last reply by flower, -
- AOSF Admin
- 4 replies
I have xFinity and love it. Unlimited data for less than $30. It works fast and is always available. Best thing I could have done was switch from AT&T.
Last reply by flower, -
- AOSF Admin
- 10 replies
Have been playing with iOS for a few years. Since the introduction of Galaxy S5, I think it's good move to have an Android powered device as the iPhone gets older. My question is that how can I copy my iPhone contacts to Galaxy S5 without typing them manually on the new device. Any suggestions? Thanks Avadula
Last reply by flower, -
- 2 replies
I have a pixel 8. Things seem to be much more complicated then with my older 6. Are there any guides or tutorials that will help me along. I've tried Google. Problem I might be the only person that thinks the 8 is too complicated. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by flower, -
- AOSF Admin
- 5 replies
Do you trust Chinese handsets? A lot of gadgets that we use today are being manufactured in China. Even the companies like Apple and Samsung are manufacturing their phones in China. However, I am not talking about these devices, I am actually taking about Chinese brands. Once there was news that Huawei phones were spying in the UK and the US. Do you really think Chinese devices are spying on us?
Last reply by flower, -
- 3 replies
A2 vocabulary & tests How to use this app; 1) Check your understanding of the vocabulary, phrasal verbs and expressions in our tailor-made dictionary. The advantage is that our definitions are very clear and easy to understand and you will need to know these phrases to go to the quiz section. 2) In the test your knowledge section there are 400 multiple choice questions designed to help you pass most modern exams. make sure you check out the feedback section at the end of every quiz because, even if you got the questions right, there are tips to help you improve; these tips explain the slight differences between words and grammar. 3) Play our tailor-ma…
Last reply by flower, -
- AOSF Admin
- 6 replies
Today's date people are always looking to be in possession of the newest tech features and applications. When people buy the newest smartphone, all of them typically come pre-installed with applications like an alarm clock, weather, calendar, calculator etc. But what if you could download similar apps that enabled you to do the same thing, but with many more features? One perfect example is the new Weather Live Free application on Google Play that allows you to do so much more than the pre-installed weather application. With features like wind speed & direction, live radar, pressure, and precipitation you'll never have to look outside to see what the weather's like.
Last reply by flower, -
- AOSF Admin
- 6 replies
Kindergarten Games for Kids How to Reinforce Your Child’s Learning Kindergarten Games for Kids was developed as a tool for parents eager to help their children learn new skills while playing in order to develop new skills for kinder including Math Games. Multiple studies show that the quickest and most effective way to learn new abilities is through hands-on play. Different educational systems including Montessori and Waldorf will agree that play and imagination are a fundamental part of the learning process. As a mother, I understand that our kids imitate our example. Even though we would like to sometimes isolate them from technology, it's nearly impossible when we …
Last reply by flower, -
- AOSF Admin
- 4 replies
My Android phone was working perfectly until recently I found that the camera is not working. It says failed to open camera. No, I don't remember the phone dropping on the floor and having any kind of hard ware damages due to mishandling. I do not see any warnings in the camera app as well.
Last reply by flower, -
- 4 replies
I'm looking for a good backup app for my Pixel 8. What do you suggest?
Last reply by flower, -
- AOSF Admin
- 5 replies
Hi, Fone Chat is a chat messenger application for your feature phone mobile. You can chat with your friends via GPRS through Fone Chat. It interacts with your phone hardware so that you chat with your friends in your contact book. What more it offers is you can also invite your friends to use this application for chat with them. Process involved in Fone Chat: 1. Download and Install. 2. Register your mobile number. 3. Chat process. 4. Block/Unblock friend. 5. Share media. 6. Invite friend. 7. Account removes process. Features: Chat with Friends 1)Share images 2)Share Audio Files 3)Share Video Files Tags:Chat,FreeChat, ShareFiles,ShareVideo,Sh…
Last reply by flower, -
- AOSF Admin
- 5 replies
I have been using this Samsung phone for almost 5 years and there has been no major issues so far but recently I have started experiencing this wifi issue. It frequently gets disconnected. No, it is not related to my internet connection. Wifi on my phone gets disconnected even when the internet is working on my laptop. I have checked setting and I do not see any issues.
Last reply by flower, -