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Showing content with the highest reputation since 08/31/11 in Posts

  1. Please post any new contests or offers you come across.
    4 points
  2. Hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster here. Just came across The Droid Library recently and thought I'd give it a shot for my Galaxy tab. I signed up, logged into the membership area and was pretty impressed. You can search for pretty much any eBook, like Harry Potter, the Twilight books, anything. They have a massive range of comic books too, like Superman, Spider-man, X-Men, Manga, Anime, anything. They also have a good range of newspapers, so I get the NY Times on my tab. The format is actually really good and all the downloads are free. Anyway, I'm not trying to spam this forum or anything. This is an honest review that I thought I would share. I encourage you to try it if you are looking for eBooks and other written media on your Android devices. See you guys around
    4 points
  3. Hey guys, I've been reading a couple reviews which speak positively about this site called The Droid Library. Apparently you can get unlimited eBooks on you Android device for free or something? The address is http://www.thedroidlibrary.com Anyway, I just joined to ask whether any of you have any experience with it. What you think? Looks pretty legit to me. Thanks
    4 points
  4. Please take 5 minutes to tell me about your experience texting on Android. Thanks for your help! https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/B85JZW5 Thanks! Elise I am an android developer, and I am looking at using this information to put together a texting app, or possibly a suite of texting apps based on individual needs. This is the first in a series of three (equally short) surveys.
    4 points
  5. Please only post in this forum if none of the other forums fit you topic.
    4 points
  6. Hi, Fone Chat is a chat messenger application for your feature phone mobile. You can chat with your friends via GPRS through Fone Chat. It interacts with your phone hardware so that you chat with your friends in your contact book. What more it offers is you can also invite your friends to use this application for chat with them. Process involved in Fone Chat: 1. Download and Install. 2. Register your mobile number. 3. Chat process. 4. Block/Unblock friend. 5. Share media. 6. Invite friend. 7. Account removes process. Features: Chat with Friends 1)Share images 2)Share Audio Files 3)Share Video Files Tags:Chat,FreeChat, ShareFiles,ShareVideo,ShareImages,ShareAudio Free Download app : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.callplanets.chat.ui visit : www.sendsmstoindia.in for details.
    3 points
  7. General Rules All posts must be written in English. Use the search function to see if a solution to your problem has already been posted. Don't spam/abuse any other member via e-mail or Private Messages. Post threads only in the correct Section. Use normal fonts & font sizes Keep the message on topic When quoting from a book or site, please provide info on the source (and a link if it is a website) Enter at least your real continent as location in your profile Posting in the forum using more than one account is not tolerated Using anonymous proxies to access the forum is not tolerated Insults and threats against other members will result in a warning or a ban, depending on the frequency and seriousness of the offense. Insults and threats against the forum moderators and administrators for performing their duties will be looked upon very seriously, and will usually lead to immediate banning without previous warnings. If a member has an objection to the actions of a specific moderator, he or she must always consult the administrator, rather than sending insults or threats to the moderator in question. Posting Rules You may not post the following: Links to adult content or gambling sites. No inappropriate language or images. Links to Torrent Files unless you get prior approval from a staff member. Links to Warez Links to Illegal Content Spam of any kind, including referral links. Posting cracks or serials Racist statements Flaming Illegal content Signature Rules You can add a signature from the User Control Panel. Should be compatible with other guidelines. 3 lines of text with 2 links is allowed. No Spamming allowed. No HTML allowed. Use normal fonts & Font sizes. Limit to 400 characters. Moderators have the right to edit your signature without any prior notice. Admin and Moderator rights If a staff member lock's a topic, it is for a good reason. Don't start posting the topic again. If you don't agree with it, PM the staff member who has locked the topic. Staff members have the right to change Members posts. This can happen for various reasons, like posting spam or flaming. If a staff member does this, usually he/she will post the reason why he/she changed the post. Staff member have the right to ban you from the forum for breaching our forum rules. Staff member have the right to delete a topic without further notice. This can be done for 2 reasons. 1. The topic was full of spam 2. The topic had a great amount of posts that where against the Forum Rules. Have respect for the decision of staff. If you feel a staff member is treating you unfairly, PM the Admin of the site to discus the problem. User Group Permissions We have 2 user groups for regular members. One is the default Registered Users group. This group has limited privileges to help prevent spam and abuse of posting privileges. This group can: Post threads and reply to other threads. View all threads and posts in all forums with the exception of the private staff forums. Upload and use an avatar and profile picture. This group has all privileges that Registered Members have with the exception of the following. Can not use the private message system to communicate with other members. Can not have a signature and can not post links in any non-forum specific area. This helps to prevent our users from being subjected to unsolicited private message spam. Once you have 10 posts on Android Forums you will automatically be promoted to the Registered Members groups. The additional privileges for this group include: Access to the PM system where you can communicate with other members in private. Links in signatures are allowed, but, are still governed by the limits listed in the signature guidelines above. These rules will be reviewed periodically and you will be notified of any changes and/or additions to these guidelines. Updated: December 8TH, 2024 at 1153 CST
    3 points
  8. Anyone know the best Transparent screen app for a android Mobile. Means an app by using which you can transparently see through your android phone
    2 points
  9. Hi, Fone Chat is a chat messenger application for your feature phone mobile. You can chat with your friends via GPRS through Fone Chat. It interacts with your phone hardware so that you chat with your friends in your contact book. What more it offers is you can also invite your friends to use this application for chat with them. Process involved in Fone Chat: 1. Download and Install. 2. Register your mobile number. 3. Chat process. 4. Block/Unblock friend. 5. Share media. 6. Invite friend. 7. Account removes process. Features: Chat with Friends 1)Share images 2)Share Audio Files 3)Share Video Files Tags:Chat,FreeChat, ShareFiles,ShareVideo,ShareImages,ShareAudio Free Download app : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.callplanets.chat.ui visit : www.sendsmstoindia.in for details.
    2 points
  10. Hi all, I have been using Snapchat these days to chat with my friends so seems haven't been Real texting for long time. This morning I got a message from a VIP customer of his schedule to London next week. While I was about to dab on showing the text but what the hell!!! The phone crashed and rebooted automatically, not only my client's SMS but all messages stored on my phone vanished. No problem I can ask my client to send again his plan but what about the rest messages?! My brain stopped working at that exact moment. I have been searching so hard for a solution to quick regain lost message from Android phone. Yes, forget to tell you that I am using Samsung GT-s5300. After reading and googling for ages, I find that "Myjad Android SMS Recovery" might be the most suitable tool for me at the moment. So now I need advice! Whoever has utilized this program before is very much welcomed to post a comment coz your opinion would be a HUGE contribution to me. Urgently need reply. Thank you millions in advanced.
    2 points
  11. I was composing a message and the phone got stuck when I was about to select the recipients. (Wanted to group send message so that’s why I was not answering directly.) After waiting for a while the phone was still not responding then I forced to shut down and turned it on again. Okay I again edited the same text and tap to choose receivers. Good grief! NO CONTACTS! EMPTY! Why? What happened? I first tried to sync Gmail contacts back to my Sony Xperia, however when I logged in to Gmail and it was the same! NO CONTACTS! Long story short, I finally found Myjad Android Contact Recovery which seems to be useful because I want simply the contacts. So is there anyone tried successfully restoring lost contacts with this program? Any advice? Many thanks!
    2 points
  12. Hi, I am trying to find if there are any well known benchmark tools which developers use. I am interested to know the basic metrics such as CPU utilization, memory consumption, 2D,3D graphics performance (of the device not the application) etc. I came across tools like Quadrant (which gives me a relative score compared to Android devices in the market) and Benchmark. But I am not sure if these are the popular tools. I read reviews both for and against its credibility. I am looking for tools which gives me results which would be useful enough for someone who may not be familiar with Android Are there any standard benchmarking tools that is used?
    2 points
  13. If you want to post a video you simply copy the URL to the video from the site the video is on and paste it into the thread or post. Our media parser will automatically extract the video and play it inline. The parser supports over 250 media sites. If you find a site that has videos and it's not on our list let me know and I'll add it.
    1 point
  14. I have years back. Used it as a launcher to mimic the look of Windows 8.
    1 point
  15. I was thinking to get some domains but I did not because I was not sure if I was ready to build new projects.
    1 point
  16. Hi! Nice to see you here.
    1 point
  17. I do not use any Apple products. I have kids and I try to keep them entertained through videos, I also use videos to teach them. I mostly use YouTube.
    1 point
  18. Welcome to Android Forum. Nice to see you here.
    1 point
  19. VojaMaher submitted a new resource: [plain]Real Guitar[/plain] - [plain]Play live solo or rhythm guitar. Impress your loved ones...[/plain] Read more about this resource...
    1 point
  20. Hello, We have introduced a new app Amazicons - Amazing Emoticons Description: Love to express yourself? Enter the next level in messaging expression with Amazicons – Amazing Emoticons. Choose from over 200 HD, original and unique smileys, emojis, memes, celebrity cartoons, idioms, stickers and characters to spice up your chat! There are Five Type of amazicon emoticons 1) Feelings, like, sad, happy, alone, grumpy, skeptical 2) Actions, like, blushing, plotting, reading, bath 3) Expressions, like, love you, sorry, wow, lol 4) Pop Culture, like, Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Joker, Nelson Mandela, Superman 5) Miscellaneous You can also give us more suggestions on what you would like to see more! Contact us on the developer email. USAGE For WhatsApp, you can use “Attach” button at the top of the chat and go to gallery. In gallery, when you click share button, you will see our app icon.Click on the button and pick the amazicon emoticon that you would like to share from the gallery. For all other chatting apps like WeChat, Line, Facebook Messanger, Yahoo Messanger, Kik, Kakao Talk Mitalk, Renren, Chaton, Skype and so on, you simply need to go to our app and click on the amazicon emoticon you like, and It will automatically show you the options where you can send the amazicon. More amazicon emoticons coming soon!.. Link to app: https://apkpure.com/amazicons-amazing-emoticons/com.taureano.amazicons/download/1.2.8 Requirements: Android 2.2 and Up. Available for Android. I recommend you to download this new and awesome app. Enjoy!!
    1 point
  21. Hmm, a fun platformer in the style of Mario Run. I may have to add this on my "to-play" list. :)
    1 point
  22. This looks nice. :) I'll download this later so my kids can play it from their tablet.
    1 point
  23. This game has unique visuals. Is it weird if I find this game calming, in spite of the fact that it's all about smashing glass through vortexes? Well, individual preferences, I suppose. :D
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Yes it is. Actually the list is fairly large. Not many media sites not supported.
    1 point
  26. The Evil VR Horror House The Evil VR Horror House a Google Cardboard VR Game - Play the next generation VR gaming experience! The night is dark, and the house is alone. Can you survive a night in the horror house? The Evil VR is an immersive 360° virtual reality experience. Horrifying and groundbreaking - A horror game experience you won´t forget. Experience the terrifying scares and the stunning story of The Evil VR Horror House. Painted on a spooky digital canvas, The Evil VR is the story of a child who is figthing against the fear and evil inside her body. Mystery, madness, and frightening moments. This is more than just playing, you become a part of the virtual gaming world. Interact with your environment and survive the evil inside you. Unlike other mobile games, The Evil VR is a whole new kind of mobile horror game. It combines the terrifying horror of movies and games, and brings it from the computer to your mobile device. The Evil VR Horror House leads you to the edge of horror and despair. CONTROLS VIA HMD/VR-DEVICE WITHOUT EXTERNAL GAMEPAD:
◉ Tilt your head slightly forward in order to move
◉ Go to an object and look at it in order to interact Link to Download: The Evil VR Horror House - Android Apps on Google Play
    1 point
  27. Math On Tiles By SJM Apps (free) Download Math on Tiles for FREE and play the best and most original Math game on your device! Math on Tiles is a Math game where the objective of this game is to find the Math equation hidden on the board of tiles that will produce a certain number. Finding the answer is trickier than it looks and it takes math skills, brains, and patience to finish all the levels successfully! You can find a lot of math puzzle games on the market. However, very few is as deceptively simple as Math on Tiles and as fun to play. You will experience countless hours of fun trying to solve and search for the hidden answer. With Math on Tiles, learning equation is not a burden but an exciting and entertaining activity. It challenges your brain but it keeps you excited and not bored. There’s nothing more satisfying than finding the solution for a hard level after you have worked on it for hours. Math on Tiles Download from Google Play: Math On Tiles - Android Apps on Google Play http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/591fcf9a61f809aaeb4bb5d38ea85918._.png http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/d749809ea0013ded288265d7addd9c11._.png
    1 point
  28. I forgot to tell you that you should to backup your phone data before rooting.
    1 point
  29. Now the T-Mobile and Sprint S7/S7 Edge models have locked boot loaders. There won't be a root if ever at least in the traditional ways of the past. They will have to go looking for vulnerabilities in the same way jailbreakers do to jailbreak an iPhone. This means that if the do find a way to root, it will always be patched in the next OS update just like Apple. Also, I have my Note 5 rooted. A few days ago, I restored back to stock and Samsung Pay still told me that it could not be used because my phone had been altered in an unauthorized manner. So it looks like once you root, Samsung Pay is unable to ever run again even after going back to stock. But if you still need to root your Samsung S7, maybe AnyRooter will work for you.
    1 point
  30. Hello, A cool new game Scrows Free http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/4b22bfcbdd6ea287a21513d80eaaedf6.jpeg http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/81e66f248d3eb11716c221b3f0f9df9e.jpeg Description: A new incarnation of the classic sliding 15-puzzle. Scroll rows and columns to restore the order of tiles. An infinite number of random combinations. Hours of gameplay. Try alphabet and number boards with different grids for kids and adults. Many different settings, time and moves modes, with captions, music, sounds. The best exercise for your brains. Link to iTunes store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/scrows-free/id1076702301?mt=8 Requires: iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. I recommend you to download this new and awesome game. Enjoy!!
    1 point
  31. A cool new game Jelly Blast - Pop Candy Mania ★★★ Introducing Jelly Blast - Pop Candy Mania ★★★ http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/768c73cef2a4fec412f558578783d35d._.png http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/78f9511aedee7876bbf9687fcbfd3a31._.png Description: The sweetest & most addictive Match 3 puzzle game is here! Play the highly anticipated Jelly Blast - Pop Candy Mania (FREE Match 3 Game) now! Fall in love with this sweet new Match 3 Jelly Blast Candy puzzle game! There are 100 levels, as you move along the map, each level will be unlocked automatically once you complete the current level. ★ ★ ★ Features ★ ★ ★ ✔ PLAY through hundreds of levels filled with Jelly dreamy treats! ✔ 5 types of obstacles - Block/Double, Solid, Undestroyable, Wire and Thriving blocks ✔ Adventure through hundreds of delectable fantasy levels ✔ New special jelly level objectives ✔ Special effects of jelly booster ✔ Collect the ingredient missions ✔ Timing mode to make you crazy ★ ★ ★ How to play ★ ★ ★ ✔ Switch or swap 3 or more sweet jellies to eliminate them ✔ Crush 4 jelly sweet in a line to create lighting thunder ✔ Crush 5 candy frenzy with T or L shape to create cute jelly bomb ✔ Crush 5 candy frenzy in a line to create colorful Jelly ✔ Combine 2 color jellies to make a big surprised yummy blast! ✔ Collect ingredients for the Jelly ♥ ♥ ♥ Free Gems ♥ ♥ ♥ ✔ Watch videos and gain Gems for free whenever you like (Required Internet connection) ✔ Use the Gems to buy items to increase your power for FREE Jelly Blast - Pop Candy Mania is FREE to play with FREE updates including new levels, obstacles, ingredients, and more! Link to google play: Jelly Blast - Pop Candy Mania - Android Apps on Google Play Requires Android: 2.3 and up I recommend you to download this new and awesome game. Enjoy!!
    1 point
  32. leena submitted a new resource: [plain]Photo locker[/plain] - [plain]The ultimate hidden gallery app for hiding photos on Android[/plain] Read more about this resource...
    1 point
  33. I tried Jelly Blast app...It is nice.. i loved it..
    1 point
  34. A cool new game Christmas Nonogram ★★★ Introducing Christmas Nonogram ★★★ http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/0f2eb137f0c26ad8442970cf0e89d8f2.jpeg http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/c40d3c2925b03ecc3614b1a6286ce873.jpeg Description: We present to you a "Christmas Japanese Crossword"! "Christmas Japanese Crossword" is so exciting, that even Santa Claus plays it) Christmas Crossword will warm your heart in the cold days! What about presents? - Yes of course! In the first level, you'll have a folder with endless help! What you`ll get: *30 unique thematic puzzles; *Three difficulty levels; *You can paint over multiple cells at the same time; *You can turn on or turn off the lamp; *You can choose 2D or 3D view; *You can zoom crossword in 2D and/or 3D view; *keep brain in good shape; *a lot of pleasure from the game; *Whatever you do is saved, even if you exit level, your picture will remain not touched; *the Crossword has a very fast respond to any operation; *After passing a level at least once, there appears a folder, where you can see a picture which you have solved. *iPad Pro Support *You can always show final results to your family and friends! Link to iTunes: Christmas Nonogram - Santa Claus Plays Super Japanese Crossword on the App Store Requirements: iOS 7.0 or Later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. I recommend you to download this new and awesome game. Enjoy!!
    1 point
  35. A cool new game Super Mustache ★★★ Introducing Super Mustache ★★★ http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/fe4e00cbf0092afbc6530b8cd5bacb2e.jpeg http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/9ac78f4c22be5dacd7e8051d795ac87e.jpeg Description: Welcome to episode of Super Mustache adventures! We´re on Year 2040; the technology has reached unimaginable levels, and the space agency has been constructing a smart robot named Gladius, which has the most advanced artificial intelligence on it. Gladius is sent to explore Uranus Moons, but he decides that the Planet Uranus could be a great place to begin a new regime named Urantia and declares it his Kingdom. The habitant creatures of the planet are not happy and raise an army to assure that nothing from Earth can enter Uranus again. The army of creatures cannot defeat Gladius by their own; it seems that our hero Captain Super Mustache is the only person who can solve this! He sets out to end Gladius reign and try to convince the Uranus habitants to allow him to enter the planet. Enjoy this magnificently unique action platformer game that includes the juice of pixel art 8-bit style. Now brought to you as a downloadable App, Super Mustache is an absolute must-play for any fans of old-school 8 bit 2D platform and arcade games. If you enjoyed those classic games, then you’re going to love this. Forget to connect or search for your old console, you will be able to revive the nostalgic childhood memories on your Apple device! ** Jump Into The Deep Space Action! Play With The Most Fearless Adventurer, Be The Hero, and Join The Quest To Save The Planet Now! We are proud to introduce the game that brings to live the best game of all times for kids and adults again. As we want to keep the vintage style, you don´t need an internet connection to play. Lovingly designed, we conjure up the spirit of old school adventure games giving an epic twist to the story so you can feel you´re still enjoying the most famous brothers saga on new adventures, with new enemies and new characters. The controls are also as simple as those retro videogames. Go through the 15 handcrafted adventure levels, pass the fantastic 3 worlds and discover a whole new world of over 15 different enemies like robots, bugs, and flying creatures. Everything you need to spend unlimited hours of fun is in one app. Take action now, the captain´s adventure had begun! Features: - Retro Style Graphics and Music - Customizable Touch Controls - Save Your Game Option - 15 Levels, 3 Worlds Filled With Action - Nostalgically Funny and Challenging Link to iTunes: Super Mustache on the App Store Requirements: iOS 6.0 or Later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. I recommend you to download this new and awesome game. Enjoy!!
    1 point
  36. You people are doing a great job by developing this type of apps. Keep doing!
    1 point
  37. A cool new game Leo's Adventure ★★★ Introducing Leo's Adventure ★★★ Description: Are you a fan of the classic platform games? Do you pride yourself in being a skilled gamer with extreme hand-eye coordination? Although 3D seems to be all the rage nowadays, do you still like the classic 2d platformer genre? Do you like seeing cute little animal pharaohs jumping across platforms to collect coins? If yes, then look no more! Because, “Leo’s adventure”, the best 2D adventurous platform runner is finally here, and it’s completely free! If you want to experience the very best of the beauty and simplicity of the classic 2d platform games, then “Leo’s adventure” is just the perfect game for you. Embark on an adventurous journey with Leo, the cute little Egyptian pharaoh, and jump across platforms and avoid the fires to collect as many coins as you can. Just tap on the screen to make the little pharaoh jump to reach the platforms and collect coins. As you take control of the little pharaoh in this Egyptian game, your goal is to keep him alive for as long as possible, and collect as many coins as you can along the way. But beware of the raging flames scattered throughout the lands of ancient Egypt, as they can put an end the tiny pharaoh’s adventure. Be mindful of your surroundings, and time your jumps perfectly to safely reach the platforms without touching the fires. FEATURES Simple gameplay; tap to jump across platforms Compelling graphics and an easy to use UI; so everyone can equally enjoy the best of 2D platform adventure games Amazing music accompanying the whole environment Set in ancient Egyptian times – explore the world with the tiny pharaoh Collect as many coins as you can Leo’s adventure is the best of the platform jumping games available on Android. Download it today, and start enjoying all the running and jumping on your favorite 2D platform. Enjoy the amazing blend of cute little Egyptian games and 2d platform games – see where the adventure takes you! Link to google play: Leo's Adventure - Android Apps on Google Play Requires Android: 4.0 and up I recommend you to download this new and awesome game. Enjoy!!
    1 point
  38. Marriage has had a troubled history in recent decades, with about half of unions ending in divorce. Still, it survives and offers financial advantages over remaining single. You live in a sacred space of marriage where you two, and nobody else, can build your loving relationship. These 20 valued tips can help you along the way to have a real passionate relationship. Marriage tips come in all shapes and sizes, from the desperately needed to the unasked for. A lot of times we know what we should do, but prefer to do what we "want" to do. In other words, we cave into our prodding anger or false pride. Or we act in ways we know won't bring a good result, but we go for it anyway. Passionate Marriage Tips is the first and the only App where you will find, realistic tips, not just words. download link : Passionate Marriage Tips - Android Apps on Google Play
    1 point
  39. A cool new app Music Camera Messenger ★★★Introducing Music Camera Messenger ★★★ http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/ec6ef4f00581b92508b4de89e33910b3._.png Description: Music camera Music Messenger is a revolutionary way to enjoy your photos, music and voice messages and make new friends and an incredibly effective MUSIC PROMOTION TOOL for artists. Using Musicamera It is quick and easy: no input requests or subscriptions: it is as natural as taking a photo with your mobile camera. It has never been so easy to instantly send a musical postcard or voice message or a music clip to your friends. Your photos and audio can be published and viewed by thousands of users worldwide, getting ratings and comments. If you are a singer or a band... it's time to get famous!!! Make your song viral, listened by thousands of people from all over the world, instantly. Promote your concert or musical event, build your own fans base. Browse thousands of public photos from your friends and from all over the world, listen to the attached messages and music and share with your friends or forward as instant message in complete privacy. Send messages and music to your friends and to other users worldwide and find new friends. Music Camera is also a powerful instant messenger to stay in touch with your friends and family. The music can be bookmarked and played back in the music library section. MAIN FEATURES: MUSIC PROMOTION (for artists, singers, bands): ○ Share your song so it can be listened by thousands of users. ○ Your song can be sent as a message, added to users' play lists and become viral. ○ Collect hits, let your song be forwarded by users to other users, share your music page and become famous. ○ Build a fans community SOCIAL FEATURES ○ Vote, share and forward public photos and audio, share audio clips. ○ Send messages and chat with users that accepted to be contacted and make new friends. ○ If you want you can Receive messages and chat with users that liked your photos. MUSIC PLAYER ○ Music library with play list support,repeat, shuffle. ○ Save Music to audio library from public and private photos. ○ Online Music browser and search engine CAMERA ○ Camera function with preview, camera options and effects. ○ Flash settings, resolution, focus policy, color effects, white balance, scene. ○ Multiple camera support, front back camera swap, camera rotation detection. CREATE AND SHARE ○ Attach music clip or a recorded voice message to the photo ○ Choose the audio to attach directly from your music library. ○ Send photos, music and messages directly to phone contacts. ○ Publish and share photos (in private or public mode). ○ Invitation system via email or SMS for contacts without Musicamera. BROWSE ○ Time line with the latest public musical photos from all over the world. ○ World photo gallery with bookmark feature. ○ Browse photos by country. ○ Bookmark photo feature. Instant Messenger - chat: ○ Full featured, real time instant messenger . ○ Chat with your contacts and save on phone costs. ○ Send chat messages with text, voice, photo, smiley. ○ Send public photos or your photos as chat message. PRIVACY ○ Musicamera is a privacy proof messenger. ○ To us, everyone's privacy is sacred. ○ You can block any unwanted contact any time. ○ We are not using users' data for any other purpose than allow users to use the service. ○ We do not do any kind of profiling/advertising targeting or any kind of marketing processes on users' profiles. ○ We don't keep copies of the users' messages and we delete them as soon they are not necessary any more (e.g. read by recipient). ○ Full encrypted ssl communications with server. Link to google play:Music Camera Messenger - Android Apps on Google Play Requires: Android 2.3.3 and up I recommend you to download this free and awesome app. Enjoy!!
    1 point
  40. http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/402febd7d7198c930b844d2d9d07111f._.png A cool new app Free Android Wallpaper ★★★ Introducing Free Android Wallpaper★★★ http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/6f9f5bcc510c4a8eceea46d1c57669f1._.jpg http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/c3b27d30ba69d96978ffddfe94524d8a._.jpg Description: Use Android Wallpaper app to find images,browse images and download images to make them as your wallpaper. Browse wallpapers: For the word you searched you will be able to preview all the wallpapers. Download Wallpapers: For the word you searched you will be able to download all the wallpapers. Share Wallpapers: For the word you searched you will be able to share all the wallpapers. After you download the wallpaper you can use it. Download Free Unlimited Wallpapers Categories: 3D wallpapers, Aircraft wallpaper, Car Wallpaper, Cities wallpaper,Children wallpaper, Animal wallpaper, Sunset wallpaper, funny wallpaper,love wallpaper Link to Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pb.android.wallpaper Requirements: Android 2.2 and up. Available for Android. I recommend you to download this awesome and new app. Enjoy!!
    1 point
  41. Hello, did you restore your lost messages from HTC? I used Vibosoft android sms+contacts recover program, and get back lost messages, contats from my HTC One, this is resource: HTC messages recovery
    1 point
  42. Social Network App for Pet owners - FabPets v1.0 ★★★ Introducing FabPets v1.0★★★ [ATTACH]63.IPB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]64.IPB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]65.IPB[/ATTACH] ☆★☆ FabPets is a Social Network for Pets, Pet Owners and Pet Services. It is the paradise for dog, cat and other pet lovers. Whether you have a pet of your own or just love to look at cute and adorable animals in your neighborhood and around the world, It is one of the must-have app! Connect and chat with other pets/pet owners around the world, upload photos and videos of your pets, join and create groups and pages. If you have a cute pet at your home, come and create a profile for it. There are thousands of people from all over the world who would love to read about it and see its pictures. FabPets provides you with a simple way to learn and share stories about animals in your neighborhood and around the world. This is sort of a social networking app for pet lovers. Upload your pet’s photo to see what others think of them. View, vote on, comment on, favorite, and save photos of adorable pets from all over. Which are the cutest pet of the week? The month? Of all time? Find out by rating My Pet. ☆★☆ [media=200x200]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdIv58D6oO8[/media] Link to Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pericent.fabpets Requirements: Android 2.2 and Up. Available for Android Only. I recommend you to download this free and awesome app. Enjoy!!
    1 point
  43. Neon alarm is alarm clock with simple design and smart functions. Intuitive controls makes clear and easy way to set your alarm. So wake up with Neon alarm! Features - Support 12/24 hour format - Flip to snooze - if you can snooze alarm just flip the phone - Turn off by shaking - alarm can be turn off simply by shaking - Modern wake up screen - Support for system and custom MP3 sounds (in FULL) - Gentle mode (volume increase to set max volume) - Can be turned on / off vibration - Set your own volume for every alarm - Set to repeat on specific days of the week - Set various color (in FULL) - Show next alarm in locksreen (when supported from lockscreen) - Alarm has no ads! (in FULL) Restriction of Free version - cannot set a ring color and MP3 song as alarm sound - Snooze only 2min or 30min (in full version is more options) - Gentle only OFF or 5 min (more options in full) - Free version have ads Translate: EN, RU, ES, IT, FR, DE, PT, CZ, SK, PL If you can help with translate visit this site neonalarmclock - GetLocalization.com Get FREE Get full
    1 point
  44. Hey guys, nice post over here... I have downloaded Foursquare for my phone, but I always forget to check in to places and sometimes i feel like I'm mission all the fun... Any recommendations to me?
    1 point
  45. Redalyc Mobile App is an application for freely view, read or download hundreds of thousands of scientific and academic articles indexed by redalyc.org. A wide variety of articles can be consulted from a large variety of fields, including education, economics, law, medicine, biology, physics, engineering, philosophy, architecture, geography, culture, among others. :) Download on https://market.andro...lyc&so=1&c=apps Contact [twitter]@ariannabec[/twitter] or http://www.facebook.com/arianna.bec
    1 point
  46. File Name: TapaTalk File Submitter: AWS File Submitted: 07 Aug 2011 File Category: Social Network Tapatalk allows you to access vB, phpBB, IPB, SMF forums with Tapatalk activated #1 Social app in Android Market! Top 50 Grossing App in Android Market! Top 5 Social app in Apple App Store! The only and the best fully functional forum app in the Market, endorsed by over 10,000 of forums worldwide. 4.5/5 stars reviewed by thousands of power fellows. Why not give it a try? Major features: Auto-save your account information, no need to login every-time Private Messaging and Notification (Notify you when new message arrives) Photos Upload and Download feature Forum and Topic Subscription Plus many other usual forum features Click here to download this file
    1 point
  47. In a note to investors on Wednesday, RBC Capital Markets Managing Director Mike Abramsky reiterated the firm’s confidence in Apple’s upcoming next-generation iPad. RBC predicts that Apple will sell 30 million iPad 2 units between April 2011 and March 2012. Apple will unveil the iPad 2 at a media event next week, and the tablet is expected to launch in late March or early April. Abramsky discusses expected hardware specifications for the iPad 2 in his note, which include a faster 1.2GHz processor, 512MB of RAM, a rear camera, a front-facing camera for FaceTime video chat and a thinner, lighter case. He also notes that initial supply may be constrained due to component availability, however, which jibes with our earlier report. Via BRG - Boy Genius Report
    1 point
  48. I have opened the site with just the members forums. This is a pre-launch for users to sign up and give me feedback on which forums I should add. I will start small and expand as we grow. For now please take the time to introduce yourself to the community and if you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see let me know. The forums are up and complete. The articles section still has default data and that will be changed as we add more content. If you are interested in being an editor to add new Android articles let me know by PM. The gallery is open and ready for submissions as are the blogs. You can create your own blog and albums right now. The downloads section is up and running and if you have more than 3 posts in any of our forums you can submit downloads. More Android downloads and categories will be added soon.
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