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Everything posted by Wings

  1. There are a ton of games. What's the best. Ask 200 hundred people and you'll get 200 answers.
  2. I had a chance to play it. Much fun. Thanks for the info.
  3. Nice to meet you @fdk1971. I'm new here also. Seems like a chill place. Welcome!
  4. Have to check it out. Might be something for me to pass the time on slow days.
  5. I used to have a Galaxy Tab. After researching I found that the iPad was the better device. I know it's not Android. To me it is the best there is. Especially the iPad Pro.
  6. There is an app called Move to iOS that you install on both devices. Then you connect the 2 and select what you want to transfer. It works well. Used it several times myself.
  7. I always adjust these settings when I get a new device. Screen brightness Battery saver mode to on Turn off location Turn off wifi when I don't need it Disable notification. I find them useless anyway. Dark mode saves power too so I enable it I also routinely close apps running in the background.
  8. Google drive works well. ADB backs up everything. Apps, data, settings. I have found nothing better.
  9. Hello members. I am looking forward to being a part of this community. From Ontario, CA. Call me Wings because I am a pilot.
  10. Good to be a part of the community. Happy you get things up and running.
  11. Use Telus here in CA. Best out them all. I do have friends that visit from the states that use xfinity. They have service so I guess that's good.
  12. Looking forward to be part of the community.
  13. Google drive is what I use. Cheap and fast.
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