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Amazon dangles carrot worth $15,000 of Amazon Coins in front of developers to optimize apps...

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Guest Harrison Kaminsky



Many industry forecasters have said that Amazon has set itself up for failure with its new Fire Phone — the device doesn’t have the specs we’ve come to expect from extreme high-end devices, and some of the features, like the camera identification feature that links straight to the Amazon app, isn’t exactly new in terms of technology (Google Goggles) and seems a bit gimmicky. Not the mention the price is pretty steep (right up there with today’s flagships, the Galaxy S5 and the HTC One M8) and its AT&T exclusivity.


However, Amazon will be doing anything and everything it can to make sure the device doesn’t fail. Today, the company announced that it will be giving out up to $15,000 in Amazon Coins to developers if they update their apps to be optimized for the Fire Phone. Hit the break to see Amazon’s guidelines regarding what’s on the table here:



  • All apps must implement an app widget using the Home API to display contextual information when the app is brought to the forefront on the device Carousel.
  • Non-game apps must implement either (or both) of the left and right panels using Foundation Controls or Dynamic Perspective SDK.
  • Games must use the Dynamic Perspective SDK to create an in-game experience that responds to a user’s motion relative to the device. Note that games that merely replace swipe-based controls or gyro functionality with head tracking will not qualify. The game must use head tracking to implement an in-game experience. Examples include the ability for a user to pan and zoom the field of view in a game by moving the device back or forward or the ability to rotate the device about any axis to change the viewing angle of the surroundings.


Via: Android Police

Source: Amazon



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