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Dropbox update includes document previews, improved search

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Guest Aditya Thawardas



A new update to Dropbox was pushed out today, that allows users to preview PDF, Word, and Powerpoint documents before downloading and sharing, which is sure to save some time. In addition, the search function has been improved to include recent search tracking, typehead suggestions, and the highlighting of search terms.


Check out a full change log and Play Store download links after the break.



What’s New


  • Document Previews: Users can instantly view, scroll through, and zoom in on any Word document, PowerPoint or PDF, straight from an Android device, making it easier to find what you’re looking for. (Of note, this is the NYC engineering team’s first major project.)
  • Improved Search: New functionality includes scoping of searches, recent search tracking, typeahead suggestions, and highlighting of search terms.
  • View-Only Permissions: Users in the Dropbox for Business early access program can now set view-only permissions on shared folders directly from their Android device, bringing even more control to collaboration.





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