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We have introduced a new game Freaking Shapes

http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/434e0c5fe82383b6821dc80d7d346bbb.jpeg http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/1dedcf1b2e7f4662c0fcd4adb725e898._.png


Does the shape fit in the hole?

That's the question everyone is asking...

Freaking Shapes is a fun game where you have to react fast to a yes or no question of "Does this shape fit in this hole?". Freaking Shapes tests your reflexes and wits.

Believe us, it's a fun game for all ages. Especially if you're still a child at heart.

How to play?

1. Does this shape fit the hole?

2. Answer with Yes or No

3. You have only .75 seconds to choose the correct answer

4. The game gets harder and harder as you progress. You have less time to answer and shapes rotate and become weirder.

Test your reflexes and reach the highest score to beat your friends... or your kids!

Link to iTunes Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/freaking-shapes/id905326564?ls=1&mt=8


Link to Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.codemyworld.freakingshapes



Requires: Android and iOS

I recommend you to download this new and awesome game.


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