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A cool new casual game Guess or Die

Introducing Guess or Die

http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/7ebb783c1f627ac46046393838f3614f._.png http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/18a070178446d43c01a87b128cae0761._.png


If you want to scare your friends and laugh you have one that your friends will face the most terrifying moment of history thimblerigger.

The thimblerigger move 5 glasses in which only one of them will not be a knife, if you choose the wrong cup, dead date. You were faced with him in a mausoleum crypt playing up, what's inside?

Torture your friends into being scared


- Terrifying atmosphere.

- Multiple scares, including a final scare.

- Progressive difficulty as more right you took more scares and faster vessels move the gambler.

Turn out the lights, turn up the volume and get ready to laugh when your friends or relatives scream in fear.

Will you get out of the cemetery alive?

If you got scared with movies like The Exorcist, Friday the 13th or The Shining facing you to the crypt from which no one leaves alive.

You have your friends pass terror.

Link to Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dcb.guessordie


Requirements: Android 2.3 and up.

Available for Android.

I recommend you to download this free and awesome game.


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