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Tesla blames its own arrogance for delivery shortfall last quarter

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Guest Yoni Heisler

http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/6a1d555dce607f3c44dd022c73222d0b.jpegAmidst all the understandable hoopla surrounding the recently unveiled Model 3, Tesla yesterday quietly put out a press release detailing the number of vehicles it delivered to customers during the first quarter of 2016. At the close of the quarter, Tesla reported deliveries of 14,820 cars, a figure which includes the Model S and the Model X. Of that figure, 12,420 deliveries were of the Model S while the Model accounted for 2,400 of the company's quarterly deliveries. The larger takeaway, though, is that Tesla for the quarter missed its delivery goal of 16,000 vehicles.




Via BRG - Boy Genius Report

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