Guest Yoni Heisler Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 its release last year, the Apple Watch hasn't exactly taken the world by storm. Sure, the device launched with a lot of hype and fanfare, but the Apple Watch hasn't exactly become the homerun many believed it would be. Tellingly, Apple has still never disclosed sales figures for the Apple Watch. But to be fair, Tim Cook has said that sales have increased with each passing quarter. The fact that the Apple Watch didn't instantly become a revolutionary product, however, isn't necessarily a troubling warning sign. Indeed, if we take a look back at Apple's storied history, we see that it took some time for products like the iPod and the iPhone to truly become global phenomenons. That being the case, proponents of the Apple Watch have justifiably argued that we should reserve judgement on the device until the second-generation model is released. (more…) Via BRG - Boy Genius Report
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