Guest Yoni Heisler Posted May 12, 2016 Posted May 12, 2016 today's modern age, a passport and some cash are all that you really need in order to see the vast wonders that make up world. Whether you want to travel to Australia, China, the rain forests of Costa Rica or even to North Korea (though we wouldn't recommend it), the world today is more accessible than it's ever been at any other point in history. There are, however, a few notable and interesting exceptions. While a passport can get you to and from most places, there exist a few locations throughout the world that are effectively off-limits. Touching on this topic in fascinating detail, a recent Quora thread set out to list all of the forbidden places located across all corners of the globe. While some locations on the list are off-limits to certain groups of people due to religious reasons, others are completely off-limits to all humans due to safety considerations. We've since pored over some of the more interesting examples Quorans brought to light and have them listed below for your reading enjoyment. (more…) Via BRG - Boy Genius Report
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