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Inside story explains how Warner ruined ‘Suicide Squad’

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Guest Chris Smith

http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/c920f67231a3db413719fb012deb891e.jpgSuicide Squad was one of the top five highly anticipated movies of the year. A story from the DC Comic universe that focuses on the villains we love. Rather than seeing Batman, Superman, and all the other heroes deliver justice, we get a story about bad people, doing atrocious things, all in the name of good. The movie looked very promising from the start. It had a great cast, exciting trailers, and glorious soundtrack. But come early reviews day, it turns out people aren’t thrilled with the picture – not that reviewers can accurately predict box office success. However, an inside story looking at the behind-the-scenes drama explains how Warner ruined Suicide Squad.



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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report

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