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Yep, the next ‘Star Wars’ installment will also have an epic cliffhanger

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Guest Chris Smith

http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/905b6da9183a580a7ae070634b38add9.jpgDisney’s Star Wars: Episode VIII is still far, far away, but there’s already plenty of chatter surrounding the second part of the third trilogy. Rian Johnson’s Episode VIII will finally tell us why Luke secluded himself on that distant planet and who Rey's parents are. And it’s pretty safe to assume that Episode VIII will bring up even more questions that will only be answered in Episode IX. But yes, it already looks like there’s an epic cliffhanger at the end of it, an ending of Empire Strikes Back proportions. That's the episode where Luke learns who his father is, which was obviously a huge shock for audiences.



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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report

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