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How to install iOS 10.1 beta 2 without a developer account

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Guest Zach Epstein

http://androidforum.us/data/MetaMirrorCache/cd8152cea0690db2e4de28f28fee1e98.jpgApple fans, we have some good news and some bad news for you. The bad news is that Apple's latest iOS 10.1 beta software still doesn't unlock the sweet new dark mode feature we've all been waiting impatiently for ever since it was found hiding in iOS 10 this past summer. Seriously, Apple, just give us dark mode already! There is good news though, and it's that Apple just released iOS 10.1 beta 2 with a number of bug fixes, refinements, new features and of course Portrait Mode for the iPhone 7 Plus, and we're going to show you how to install it without the need for a developer account.



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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report

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