Guest Yoni Heisler Posted October 25, 2016 Posted October 25, 2016's hard to assess what's crazier: the fact that Samsung still can't figure out the root cause behind exploding Note 7 phablets or the fact that 1/3 of Note 7 owners in Europe still haven't returned or exchanged their device. Without exaggeration, Samsung's Note 7 is a ticking time-bomb. Over the past few months, we've seen no shortage of stories involving Note 7 devices spontaneously catching fire and exploding, causing property damage and, at times, serious burns to owners. In turn, Samsung not only recalled the device but discontinued it completely. Additionally, multiple airlines across the globe have issued bans on the device, not allowing passengers to bring it on board even if it's turned off. (more…) Trending right now: The difference between iPhone users and Android users The 10 best paid iPhone apps on sale for free today Samsung just shot down the Galaxy S8 rumor that had fans buzzing Via BRG - Boy Genius Report
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