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You didn’t get any of these 10 awesome gadgets for Christmas, so treat yourself now

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Guest Maren Estrada


If there’s only thing that’s true of Christmas (and Hanukkah) every single year, it’s this: you always seem to give people MUCH cooler gifts than you get from other people. Seriously, heaven forbid anyone take 2 seconds to glance at your Amazon wish list, right? That’s okay, giving gifts is way more fun than receiving them anyway, and you can always use some of the cash you scored on Christmas to buy yourself a treat or two. You know, a present to yourself for having survived yet another stressful holiday season.


In this post, we’ve got 10 awesome suggestions for gadgets you can buy yourself to forget all about that ridiculous sweater you got from your grandparents for the fifth consecutive year.


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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report

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