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Paranoid Android developers re-writing code for their Android 4.x.x builds; Aims for a more...

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Guest Macky Evangelista



If you’ve downloaded and flashed Paranoid Androids latest KitKat 4.x builds, you’ve quickly noticed that their famous features (such as Halo) have not been included into the builds, but instead met with a more “vanilla” Android ROM. Turns out the team is in the midst of re-inventing themselves when it comes to their custom ROM’s. While the ROM will still offer plenty of features, they plan on making it a more unified “Google” experience. They are also re-writing the code for all of their features and plan on doing much less “kanging,” or borrowing other features, from other ROM’s.


Any PA ROm users out there disappointed with this news? Let us know! For a full and more detailed explanation coming straight from the team, check out the source link right below!


source: PA Google+



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