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We have introduced a cool new game Guess This Sound

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Guess This Sound is a funny and hilarious application where the players try to guess each other sounds! You choose between three random words, and make a sound in 7 seconds based on the word you choose. When you are happy with the sound, add a hint and send it away or sent no hint and make it even harder for your opponent to guess the sound before the time runs out!


Be creative when making the sound, and use your surroundings to your advantage. Make it funny and crazy, and decide how easy you wish to make it for your opponent. But remember, you both benefit for each round completed. If you find it difficult to make the sounds, try to explain it with words or other funny sounds!


If your opponent guesses your sound in time, you will earn one to three coins depending on the word you chose to make the sound. The player that guess the correct word earns points based on the time used, and the amount of rounds completed. After receiving points, the player chooses a new word and makes a sound of it, before sending it back to the other player with or without a hint.


Create a Guess This Sound player, or log in with Facebook. Play with your friends on Guess This Sound, invite them from Facebook, or challenge yourself and play against a complete stranger. Use your coins to buy notes in the game, which you can use to get an advantage when guessing the sounds, or choose between many other funny things to buy!


This is an application for everyone that think is funny to make crazy sounds, or even better listen to your friends do the same! You can even share your funny sounds on Facebook, and make your friends see how funny or good you are to make sounds!


Can you Guess This Sound!?



Link to itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/domainsicle-domain-name-search/id813687812?ls=1&mt=8


Link to google play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.guessSound.guessSound


Available for iOS and Andriod

I recommend you to download this free and awesome game.


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