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Everything posted by gallas

  1. A calendar app made for you. It puts scheduling back in your hands while allowing you to personalize events with pictures, audio and notes. It also goes one step further by providing quick action tools to Call, Text, Email, Map when a reminder alert pops up. Features: · Intuitive, easy and rich · Customize backgrounds for each month · Just a few taps to add an event · Personalize an event with a picture or an audio · Integrates Google maps to an event location · Address book lookup to add a contact to an event · Sync with Google calendar · Quick action from an alert – Call, Text, Email, Maps . Robust search function to find events Please Visit.. Facebook: http://www.facebook....195883660477561 Twitter: http://twitter.com/Calendar4U App Site: http://gallait.com/calendar4u/ Company Website: http://gallait.com/ Android Market: https://market.andro...it.coolcalendar
  2. An app that puts a new spin on who to call in your Contact list. Why not add a little "slot-machine" style fun to making a call. Rather than just scrolling through your list of contacts, our app randomly selects one for you. One little shake and you can watch the names spin until it lines up and picks a random Contact. You can place the call, text, or email and a little message will appear saying, "Lucky One" because let's be real, they ARE lucky that you're calling. If by chance the app picks someone you don't want to call - like your boss - give it another shake and see who comes up. Please Visit.. App Site: http://gallait.com/luckyone/ Company Website: http://gallait.com/ Android Market: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.gallait.LuckyOne
  3. An app that ads a little humor to the mishap of constantly dropping your cell phone. In life, we all need an alarm to wake us up but there is nothing for the clumsy lot of us who are careless with our phones (let's be honest, in today's world, our phones are like our babies). WHOSE BABY IS CRYING is an App that notifies you when you drop your phone with an adorable sound byte. So, try saving your phone. And when you can't, it will cry to let you know where you stand. Features: WBIC is an application that allows you to adjust your settings. Application Status can be set to on/off, sensitivity levels are adjustable from 0 to 100 (optimal level is 21%), and you can Share the App on Facebook, Twitter, or via Email. Please Visit.. App Site...http://gallait.com/whosebabyiscrying/ Company Website...Galla IT Android Market:https://market.andro...e=search_result
  4. An app that allows you to have some fun with your Wallpaper. All of those photos you take on your phone can actually be set to be your Wallpaper on any given day. Have a birthday? Now you can put a picture on that date as a reminder. Anything goes. Wallbot was created with YOU in mind so that looking at your phone, which we all do WAY too many times a day, can make you smile or remind you of something you don't want to forget! Not just a picture of those you love, you can even take a snapshot of a place you need to remember and set it for a certain date. The possibilities are endless. Put your amazing photos to great use and enjoy your little friend, Wallbot. He's going to be your new favorite App! Please Visit.. App Site...GALLA IT APPS Company Website...Galla IT AndroidMarket:https://market.android.com/details?id=com.gallait.wallbot&feature=search_result
  5. An app that ads a little humor to the mishap of constantly dropping your cell phone. In life, we all need an alarm to wake us up but there is nothing for the clumsy lot of us who are careless with our phones (let's be honest, in today's world, our phones are like our babies). WHOSE BABY IS CRYING is an App that notifies you when you drop your phone with an adorable sound byte. So, try saving your phone. And when you can't, it will cry to let you know where you stand. Features: WBIC is an application that allows you to adjust your settings. Application Status can be set to on/off, sensitivity levels are adjustable from 0 to 100 (optimal level is 21%), and you can Share the App on Facebook, Twitter, or via Email. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.gallait.WBIC_Mobile&feature=search_result App Site: GALLA IT APPS[ATTACH]2.IPB[/ATTACH] Company Website: Galla IT
  6. gallas submitted a new resource: [plain]Whose baby is crying?[/plain] - [plain]Whose baby is crying?[/plain] Read more about this resource...
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